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1. Keto Strawberry Avocado Smoothie

30 Keto diet recipes for manhã coffee: Guide complete

Here are 30 keto diet recipes for manhã coffee, who lost 20 kilos in two months. 

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You can use these recipes as a guide and modify them according to your taste and availability of ingredients. You can also mix and combine them and create your own combinations. 

It is important to ensure that each meal contains a good balance between fat, protein and liquid carbohydrates and that you do not exceed your daily limit. You can also add some temperos, ervas, molhos or temperos, to enhance the flavor and nutrition of your snacks, since they are ketonic. Here are some examples of what you can use:

  • Spices: pimenta preta, cominho, açafrão, páprica, pimenta em pó, alho em pó, onion em pó, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.
  • Ervas: salsa, coentro, manjericão, oregano, tomilho, alecrim, hortelã, etc.
  • Molhos: sauce, tomato molho, pesto, homus, tahini, yogurt, mostarda, etc.
  • Molhos: lime suco, lime suco, vinegar, oil, gergelim oil, abacate oil, etc.

You can also drink a glass of water, herbal tea, or hot coffee before or after your meal, to help with digestion and hydration. 

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Avoid drinking alcohol, coolant, sugar or milk, as they may add extra carbohydrates and sugar to your diet. Now let’s take a look at the recipes:

1. Keto Strawberry Avocado Smoothie

This is a simple and quick recipe that you can make without liquidizing. You can use any fruits you want, such as morangos, raspberries, bilberries, etc. You can also use any ketogenic supplement of your choice, such as erythritol, stevia, monge fruit, etc. Segredo and mix the vermelhas fruits, or abacate, or amêndoa milk and add a homogeneous and creamy ficar. You can also add some ice cubes, if you want a thicker and colder smoothie. You can serve the smoothie as is, or with chantilly, nozes or seeds, to obtain a little more fat and protein.


  • 1 xícara of fresh or frozen fruits
  • 1/2 abacate, shelled and without pits
  • 1 xícara de leite de amêndoa without sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of cetônico adoçante soup or to taste
  • Gelo cubes, optional
  • Chantilly, nozes ou sementes, to serve, optional


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  • Place the vermelhas fruits, or abacate, or amêndoa milk or non-liquidifying additive and beat the homogeneous and creamy ice cream. Add a few cubes of gel, drain, and mix again.
  • Clear the smoothie in a flake and cover with chantilly, nozes or seeds, it will be left.
  • Enjoy your keto-morango and abacate smoothie.

Serve: 1

Liquid carbohydrates per serving: 9 grams

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About the Keto Diet

1. What are the top 10 keto foods?

The top 10 keto foods include avocados, eggs, meats (such as chicken, beef, and pork), fatty fish (like salmon and mackerel), cheese, nuts and seeds, low-carb vegetables (such as leafy greens and broccoli), olive oil, coconut oil, and full-fat dairy products.

2. What are the 9 rules of keto?

The 9 rules of keto include limiting carbohydrate intake, increasing healthy fat consumption, moderating protein intake, staying hydrated, incorporating low-carb vegetables, avoiding processed foods, monitoring ketone levels, exercising regularly, and getting adequate sleep.

3. What are the easiest keto foods?

Some of the easiest keto foods to incorporate into your diet include eggs, avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, cheese, low-carb vegetables, and healthy oils like olive oil and coconut oil.

4. What foods are good for ketosis?

Foods that are good for ketosis are those that are low in carbohydrates and high in fats and moderate in protein. This includes foods like meats, fish, eggs, avocados, nuts, seeds, and certain dairy products.

5. Can I eat cucumbers on keto?

Yes, cucumbers are low in carbs and can be enjoyed as part of a keto diet.

6. Can you eat a banana on a keto diet?

Bananas are high in carbs and are not typically consumed on a keto diet due to their high sugar content.

7. How many eggs can I eat on keto?

There’s no specific limit on the number of eggs you can eat on keto, but it’s important to balance your protein intake with your overall macronutrient goals.

8. What is the 80 20 rule for the keto diet?

The 80/20 rule for the keto diet suggests that approximately 80% of your daily calories should come from fats, while the remaining 20% can come from protein and carbohydrates combined.

9. Can you drink coffee on keto?

Yes, black coffee is keto-friendly and can be consumed on the keto diet. Just be cautious with added sugars or high-carb creamers.

10. Is Greek yogurt okay on keto?

Greek yogurt can be included in moderation on the keto diet, but be mindful of its carb content and opt for plain, unsweetened varieties.

11. What is the best first meal for keto?

A good first meal for keto could include eggs cooked in butter with avocado and spinach, or a keto-friendly smoothie made with coconut milk, avocado, and protein powder.

12. What is the most filling food on keto?

Foods that are high in healthy fats and fiber tend to be the most filling on keto. Examples include avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.

13. Can I drink milk on keto?

Regular cow’s milk is relatively high in carbs and not typically consumed on keto. However, unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk can be good alternatives.

14. Is almond milk okay for keto?

Yes, unsweetened almond milk is low in carbs and can be included in moderation on the keto diet.

15. Is rice good for the keto diet?

No, rice is high in carbs and not compatible with the keto diet.

16. What are keto fruits?

Keto-friendly fruits include berries (like strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries) in moderation due to their lower carb content compared to other fruits.

17. Can I eat peanut butter on keto?

Yes, peanut butter can be included in moderation on the keto diet, but be sure to choose varieties without added sugars.

18. Can you eat carrots on keto?

Carrots are higher in carbs compared to other vegetables and should be consumed in moderation on keto.

19. Can I eat a whole avocado on keto?

Yes, avocados are a great source of healthy fats and can be enjoyed in moderation on the keto diet.

20. Is oatmeal good for the keto diet?

Oatmeal is relatively high in carbs and not typically included in the keto diet.

21. What vegetables are good for keto?

Low-carb vegetables such as leafy greens (spinach, kale), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower), zucchini, bell peppers, and asparagus are good options for the keto diet.

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